错误或错误的标签可以对监督学习的可靠概括构成障碍。这可能具有负面后果,特别是对于诸如医疗保健的关键领域。我们提出了一种在极端标签噪声下学习的有效新方法,基于培训的深度乐观。每个集合构件都接受了培训数据的子集培训,以获取决策边界分离的一般概述,而不关注可能错误的细节。合并的累积知识组合以形成新的标签,确定比原始标签更好的类别分离。尽管标签噪声,但是使用这些标签培训了一个新模型,以可靠地概括。我们专注于医疗保健环境,并广泛评估我们对睡眠呼吸暂停检测任务的方法。为了与相关工作进行比较,我们还评估了数字识别的任务。在我们的实验中,我们观察到数字分类的任务和kappa的任务从6.7 \%的准确性提高到49.3 \%。
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良好的培训数据是开发有用的ML应用程序的先决条件。但是,在许多域中,现有数据集不能由于隐私法规(例如,从医学研究)而被共享。这项工作调查了一种简单而非规范的方法,可以匿名数据综合来使第三方能够受益于此类私人数据。我们探讨了从不切实际,任务相关的刺激中隐含地学习的可行性,这通过激发训练有素的深神经网络(DNN)的神经元来合成。因此,神经元励磁用作伪生成模型。刺激数据用于培训新的分类模型。此外,我们将此框架扩展以抑制与特定个人相关的表示。我们使用开放和大型闭合临床研究的睡眠监测数据,并评估(1)最终用户是否可以创建和成功使用定制分类模型进行睡眠呼吸暂停检测,并且(2)研究中参与者的身份受到保护。广泛的比较实证研究表明,在刺激上培训的不同算法能够在与原始模型相同的任务上成功概括。然而,新和原始模型之间的架构和算法相似性在性能方面发挥着重要作用。对于类似的架构,性能接近使用真实数据(例如,精度差为0.56 \%,Kappa系数差为0.03-0.04)。进一步的实验表明,刺激可以在很大程度上成功地匿名匿名研究临床研究的参与者。
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The analysis of network structure is essential to many scientific areas, ranging from biology to sociology. As the computational task of clustering these networks into partitions, i.e., solving the community detection problem, is generally NP-hard, heuristic solutions are indispensable. The exploration of expedient heuristics has led to the development of particularly promising approaches in the emerging technology of quantum computing. Motivated by the substantial hardware demands for all established quantum community detection approaches, we introduce a novel QUBO based approach that only needs number-of-nodes many qubits and is represented by a QUBO-matrix as sparse as the input graph's adjacency matrix. The substantial improvement on the sparsity of the QUBO-matrix, which is typically very dense in related work, is achieved through the novel concept of separation-nodes. Instead of assigning every node to a community directly, this approach relies on the identification of a separation-node set, which -- upon its removal from the graph -- yields a set of connected components, representing the core components of the communities. Employing a greedy heuristic to assign the nodes from the separation-node sets to the identified community cores, subsequent experimental results yield a proof of concept. This work hence displays a promising approach to NISQ ready quantum community detection, catalyzing the application of quantum computers for the network structure analysis of large scale, real world problem instances.
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In recent years several learning approaches to point goal navigation in previously unseen environments have been proposed. They vary in the representations of the environments, problem decomposition, and experimental evaluation. In this work, we compare the state-of-the-art Deep Reinforcement Learning based approaches with Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) formulation of the point goal navigation problem. We adapt the (POMDP) sub-goal framework proposed by [1] and modify the component that estimates frontier properties by using partial semantic maps of indoor scenes built from images' semantic segmentation. In addition to the well-known completeness of the model-based approach, we demonstrate that it is robust and efficient in that it leverages informative, learned properties of the frontiers compared to an optimistic frontier-based planner. We also demonstrate its data efficiency compared to the end-to-end deep reinforcement learning approaches. We compare our results against an optimistic planner, ANS and DD-PPO on Matterport3D dataset using the Habitat Simulator. We show comparable, though slightly worse performance than the SOTA DD-PPO approach, yet with far fewer data.
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The text-to-image model Stable Diffusion has recently become very popular. Only weeks after its open source release, millions are experimenting with image generation. This is due to its ease of use, since all it takes is a brief description of the desired image to "prompt" the generative model. Rarely do the images generated for a new prompt immediately meet the user's expectations. Usually, an iterative refinement of the prompt ("prompt engineering") is necessary for satisfying images. As a new perspective, we recast image prompt engineering as interactive image retrieval - on an "infinite index". Thereby, a prompt corresponds to a query and prompt engineering to query refinement. Selected image-prompt pairs allow direct relevance feedback, as the model can modify an image for the refined prompt. This is a form of one-sided interactive retrieval, where the initiative is on the user side, whereas the server side remains stateless. In light of an extensive literature review, we develop these parallels in detail and apply the findings to a case study of a creative search task on such a model. We note that the uncertainty in searching an infinite index is virtually never-ending. We also discuss future research opportunities related to retrieval models specialized for generative models and interactive generative image retrieval. The application of IR technology, such as query reformulation and relevance feedback, will contribute to improved workflows when using generative models, while the notion of an infinite index raises new challenges in IR research.
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Decades of progress in simulation-based surrogate-assisted optimization and unprecedented growth in computational power have enabled researchers and practitioners to optimize previously intractable complex engineering problems. This paper investigates the possible benefit of a concurrent utilization of multiple simulation-based surrogate models to solve complex discrete optimization problems. To fulfill this, the so-called Self-Adaptive Multi-surrogate Assisted Efficient Global Optimization algorithm (SAMA-DiEGO), which features a two-stage online model management strategy, is proposed and further benchmarked on fifteen binary-encoded combinatorial and fifteen ordinal problems against several state-of-the-art non-surrogate or single surrogate assisted optimization algorithms. Our findings indicate that SAMA-DiEGO can rapidly converge to better solutions on a majority of the test problems, which shows the feasibility and advantage of using multiple surrogate models in optimizing discrete problems.
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Network pruning is a promising way to generate light but accurate models and enable their deployment on resource-limited edge devices. However, the current state-of-the-art assumes that the effective sub-network and the other superfluous parameters in the given network share the same distribution, where pruning inevitably involves a distribution truncation operation. They usually eliminate values near zero. While simple, it may not be the most appropriate method, as effective models may naturally have many small values associated with them. Removing near-zero values already embedded in model space may significantly reduce model accuracy. Another line of work has proposed to assign discrete prior over all possible sub-structures that still rely on human-crafted prior hypotheses. Worse still, existing methods use regularized point estimates, namely Hard Pruning, that can not provide error estimations and fail reliability justification for the pruned networks. In this paper, we propose a novel distribution-lossless pruning method, named DLLP, to theoretically find the pruned lottery within Bayesian treatment. Specifically, DLLP remodels the vanilla networks as discrete priors for the latent pruned model and the other redundancy. More importantly, DLLP uses Stein Variational Inference to approach the latent prior and effectively bypasses calculating KL divergence with unknown distribution. Extensive experiments based on small Cifar-10 and large-scaled ImageNet demonstrate that our method can obtain sparser networks with great generalization performance while providing quantified reliability for the pruned model.
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Multilevel Stein variational gradient descent is a method for particle-based variational inference that leverages hierarchies of approximations of target distributions with varying costs and fidelity to computationally speed up inference. This work provides a cost complexity analysis of multilevel Stein variational gradient descent that applies under milder conditions than previous results, especially in discrete-in-time regimes and beyond the limited settings where Stein variational gradient descent achieves exponentially fast convergence. The analysis shows that the convergence rate of Stein variational gradient descent enters only as a constant factor for the cost complexity of the multilevel version, which means that the costs of the multilevel version scale independently of the convergence rate of Stein variational gradient descent on a single level. Numerical experiments with Bayesian inverse problems of inferring discretized basal sliding coefficient fields of the Arolla glacier ice demonstrate that multilevel Stein variational gradient descent achieves orders of magnitude speedups compared to its single-level version.
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Benchmarking is a key aspect of research into optimization algorithms, and as such the way in which the most popular benchmark suites are designed implicitly guides some parts of algorithm design. One of these suites is the black-box optimization benchmarking (BBOB) suite of 24 single-objective noiseless functions, which has been a standard for over a decade. Within this problem suite, different instances of a single problem can be created, which is beneficial for testing the stability and invariance of algorithms under transformations. In this paper, we investigate the BBOB instance creation protocol by considering a set of 500 instances for each BBOB problem. Using exploratory landscape analysis, we show that the distribution of landscape features across BBOB instances is highly diverse for a large set of problems. In addition, we run a set of eight algorithms across these 500 instances, and investigate for which cases statistically significant differences in performance occur. We argue that, while the transformations applied in BBOB instances do indeed seem to preserve the high-level properties of the functions, their difference in practice should not be overlooked, particularly when treating the problems as box-constrained instead of unconstrained.
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Decentralized learning with private data is a central problem in machine learning. We propose a novel distillation-based decentralized learning technique that allows multiple agents with private non-iid data to learn from each other, without having to share their data, weights or weight updates. Our approach is communication efficient, utilizes an unlabeled public dataset and uses multiple auxiliary heads for each client, greatly improving training efficiency in the case of heterogeneous data. This approach allows individual models to preserve and enhance performance on their private tasks while also dramatically improving their performance on the global aggregated data distribution. We study the effects of data and model architecture heterogeneity and the impact of the underlying communication graph topology on learning efficiency and show that our agents can significantly improve their performance compared to learning in isolation.
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